Anna Freeman, LPC is a psychotherapist in Durango Colorado providing a variety of counseling services including individual counseling, family counseling, marriage counseling, postpartum depression counseling, group therapy and more. With options designed to meet you where you are in your personal growth, I provide traditional psychotherapy as well as progressive treatments such as DBT, Touch Focused Therapy and much more.
It is also very important to recognize that “Counseling” is not a dirty word and not something to be ashamed of. Most of us experience mild to severe traumas, depression, and/or anxiety in our lives. In order to help you overcome your personal obstacles, I specialize in a variety of mental health treatments designed to help my clients to work through their unique form of suffering including:
- Traditional Therapy
- Trauma Counseling
- Personal Growth Counseling
- Solution Focused Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- DBT Therapy
- Counseling and Support Group Therapies
- And Many More
From anxiety and depression to chronic and acute pain management, I will help you to personalize a course of treatment that is the right fit for your journey.
Traditional Psychotherapy Counseling
Traditional therapy is what most people think of when they think of counseling services. Traditional counseling, sometimes referred to as “talk therapy,” recognizes that everyone needs someone to talk to and that through processing, through self reflection, and by facing our problems head-on, we can regain control in our lives. Click here to learn more about types of trauma, depression, anxiety and various other conditions that I treat.
Progressive Therapy Treatments
In addition to a wide variety of traditional counseling techniques, I also utilize more progressive schools of thought and new, cutting-edge therapy treatments to help my clients along their journey.
Integrated Somatic Psychotherapy
As a professional and experienced counselor with a massage specialty, I have a unique ability to focus on combining a variety of treatment options to provide innovative, personalized and integrated mind and body treatments – helping you work through your mental and physical symptoms of trauma. Click here to learn more about Integrated Somatic Psychotherapy.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) is a progressive form of therapy that focuses on the dialectics of life, meaning there is always more than one way to solve a problem and change is the only constant. DBT is not considered “traditional talk therapy” because it’s a skills based program designed to help overcome life’s challenges by focusing on four main areas: mindfulness, emotional regulation, interpersonal relations and distress tolerance.
Counseling Rates
I strive to provide affordable and assessable care for anyone in need. My normal rates for mental health services are posted below for your convenience. If you or someone that you care about is in need of payment assistance with counseling services, I can offer a sliding scale fee schedule based on income. Please contact me if you think that you are eligible for sliding scale services because it is important to me that you are able to make your health a priority.
Counseling Therapies Base Rate ~ $125/hr